Dream of a day in the autumn woods

This is how EC Wearable Nature was born with the aim of making wearable what Mother Nature offers.
Walking on the Wood, thanks to EC Wearable Nature branches, leaves and bark
continue their life cycle becoming a botanical atlas to wear.
Sculptural jewelry and clothing tout court fragment and narrate the ritual of reappropriation
of the most authentic material in a riot of textures, colors and geometries.
Elena Capra, whose educational background is based on design,
thanks to EC Wearable Nature expresses its creativity in the realization of unique objects
that are born in the laboratory on the slopes of Mont Blanc.
Slow fashion, authenticity and sustainability intersect in the one-piece-only tiles,
all handmade with the aim of making the owner a promoter of elegance and refinement.
all handmade with the aim of making the owner a promoter of elegance and sophistication.

The all-natural lexicon

by EC Wearable Design




Plane tree bark (1/6)



The material crumbles, composing real tiles useful for processing. The creative input is determined by their particularity that encloses plastic and unpredictable shapes. The thin and vibrant surface maintains its original chromatic range, varying from grey to beige. Like pieces of an undefined puzzle, the bark meets the skin for a chameleonic effect.

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Birch bark (2/6)



Snow and pruning aid the harvesting of the remnants of the White Lady of the Woods. Purity and silkscreen details inspire endless mosaic textures..

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Wood (3/6)



Nature is alive and invites EC Wearable design to search between the concentric diameters of the branches for new stories and emotions. The scent of wood, its strength and resistance guide the sculptural action, entirely handmade.

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Charred Wood (4/6)



The Japanese technique of Shou Sugi Ban makes wooden planks in homes waterproof, sturdy and fireproof. The same is used to give wooden tiles a warm, somber and deep interpretation. This intervention is consistent with EC Wearable Design’s sustainable philosophy of not “disturbing” the material with special chemical treatments or stabilizers.

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Leaves (5/6)



The processing of pine cones requires laborious steps but their consistency generates endless reworkings with an opulent cut. Did you know that they can become precious buttons?

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Pine Cones (6/6)



The processing of pine cones requires laborious steps but their consistency generates endless reworkings with an opulent cut. Did you know that they can become precious buttons?

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